
Who says you can’t fall in love when you get older? Medley has found her “true love” – as least she thought it would be – after 20 years post divorce. Medley truly has a great time with this person, just like how she felt in her last marriage.

When Medley finally thought that this person must be “the one”, she came home one day and found that this person has taken away all personal belongings and left. She called and messaged the person a million times, but finally, when they answered their phone, their only response was: “We are not really a good match”.

Medley was heartbroken, and she felt a little ashamed that she was still struggling with a breakup entering her 60s.

The Fact Is: It Still Hurts When Break Ups Happen in Later Life

Breakup in your 40s, 50s, or 60s may be different than it when you are in your 20s, but the level of heartbreak could be the same. Although we will get more mature and more realistic about finding “the one”, breaking up still brings heartache, and sometimes it could even be worse due to age, amount of support from friends, commitment, etc. These factors could all contribute to how hard it is to get over a failed relationship. Also, you may need more companionship than when you were younger, which could make the process more devastating.

However, the good news is, given our extensive life experience and self-awareness, we can handle the heartbreak easier. Here are a few tips that you may or may not know about fixing your heart as much as possible after a bad breakup. Let’s see what’s useful for you.

What To Do to Heal from A Breakup Efficiently

Cut Off All Contact

The first step of moving on after a split is to accept it. Ignore your ex and don’t try to get in touch with him or her in any way.

 Unfollow them if necessary if you’ve been chatting on any social media platforms. Block their numbers so you won’t receive calls from them – it’s preferable to keep them at a distance and out of sight while you’re still vulnerable, as emotional recovery slows down when you still have contact with the other person. Remaining in contact can get you into another war that could only escalate your pain and anxiety with no positive results.

When a relationship ends, it’s best to cut connections for good. This will help you heal more quickly.

Allow Yourself Some Time to Grieve

Breaking up or getting divorced can be one of the most painful experiences in life – it feels like your whole world has turned upside down and now you have to deal with every memory and emotion that rains down on you. It is okay to get your emotions out and admit that you are sad, angry, confused, or resentful. During this special period, you are allowed to scream, sob, and yell your heart out. Find ways to release and let go of the pain as long as it doesn’t harm you or anybody else. Don’t suppress your emotions and take this painful part away from your healing process, fighting or ignoring the feelings could only prolong the grieving process.

Pick Your Support Team

While going through a breakup or divorce, many of us choose to isolate ourselves. It surely makes you feel safe to swallow all of your negative emotions by yourself, but the longer you spend by yourself, the more likely it is that you’ll become “ill” from the isolation. Researchers have found that people who are socially isolated have a 50 percent greater risk of developing dementia and may possibly die earlier (Senior Isolation).

Regular phone calls or video calls with loved ones can help keep you healthy while you are coping with emotions, so don’t be afraid to seek out help from your loved ones if you are feeling down.

Reclaim Your Life

Remember the hobbies you pushed aside during the relationship? It’s time to pick them up again. Reclaiming is a process of remembering who you are outside the relationship, and it gives us strong supportive energy during self-recovery. Whether you are pursuing your passion or saying “yes” to the social invitation you have always missed out on, you are regaining the part of yourself that you have given up when sacrificing for love.

Reconstruct Your Future Without Them

It is perfectly normal to have hopes and dreams and a future with your ex when you were still in a relationship. Another painful part about breaking up is realizing that your future has been shaken – what you have envisioned with the two of you no longer exists. It is important to recognize that your relationship with your ex will no longer define your future, but your relationship with yourself will. Acknowledging this fact and the feelings that come with this might be helpful in the healing process.

Enjoy Being Single

After a relationship ends, it takes an average of 11 weeks for people to recover their mental health, according to a study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology. So, don’t rush into another relationship just because you think that the other person can replace the previous one and make you less lonely. In fact, it could only make the healing process slow down, and makes it even harder for you to get over your ex. Avoiding the pain only prolongs it. Instead, accept that you are single and are able to live as a “whole person” again. It then becomes a precious period of time to find out what you want and who you are before you find your next heartthrob.

In the End:

Healing from a breakup isn’t easy, and everyone deals with it differently. It takes patience, commitment, and of course, time, to let go of all the sweet or painful memories. Feeling devastated isn’t shameful – before healing a wound, you must first admit that you are bleeding.



After decades of hard work, the time finally comes to retire and enjoy your life. Last time we talked about  places that are senior-friendly to travel to for vacations (Senior-Friendly Vacation Spots), but settling down is completely a different case. When we talk about the best countries for retirement, Canada is at the top of the list. It is a beautiful country to retire in, given that it offers an appealing retirement lifestyle.

Bella and her husband have thought about it, too. They both have just retired and chosen Canada as the place to retire for a better quality of life. Surely, they are attracted to the high-quality healthcare and the low population density of the country, but the natural beauty and the friendly people in Canada also attract this couple very much.

However, because Canada is such a giant country, Bella was lost on where exactly they wanted to reside in Canada. If you are struggling just like Bella, this article will provide you with an in-depth discussion on places that are suitable for retired seniors to live in Canada.

What Do We Look for When Choosing a City to Retire?

  • Lifestyle

Lifestyle is a very important component for seniors to consider when planning their future place to reside. Although it is mainly a matter of personal taste, in this article, we will focus on the preferences of most of our clients.

Usually, small towns may not be appealing to those who have spent most of their lives in a bustling metropolis, even if they initially find them intriguing.

Before you consider, first think about your pursuits and hobbies. If you love staying in, then most cities are pretty much the same to you. However, if you are a person who enjoys traveling, hiking, or engaging in other recreational activities, you should select a retirement city that best suits your needs.

  • Cost of Living

No matter if you are on a tight budget or sitting on a pile of money, the cost of living is an important factor to consider when you move to a new place.

An expensive city will eat away your savings and make it more difficult for you to enjoy your later years.

It’s crucial to consider the cost of housing (rent/buy), food, transportation (public transit/owning a car), cost of services, and most importantly, the cost of doing things you’ve always wanted to do in your retirement.

  • Weather

Weather is more important than you think, especially for people who have chronic diseases. For example, you may not want to live in a humid city if you have respiratory problems or arthritis.

If you’re used to living in warm weather, moving to a freezing area can be a bad idea as well. Furthermore, you may not be able to handle the heat in a sunny location if you have always been living in a city with a high longitude.

So, before deciding, take weather conditions into account carefully. The best way to decide is to visit the city you like in varied weather conditions/seasons before making a final decision about moving there.

  • Doctors Per 100, 000 People

Having enough accessibility to medical facilities and professionals is crucial as you get older. For those who already have chronic medical conditions or live alone, this is even more crucial. The concentration of doctors per capita is a measurement of how easily it will be for you to get medical care if necessary.

Top Places to Retire in Canada:

  • Kelowna, BC

  • Cost of Living: $1,071 per month (without rent)

  • Population: 217, 229

  • Weather: Average Max Temp – July: 27°C, January: 0°C

  • Lifestyle: Casual, retiree-friendly

  • Doctors Per 100, 000 People: 137

The top place surely goes to Kelowna, BC. When it comes to retirement communities, Kelowna is a place that you never want to ignore.

With over 18 percent of the population being made-up of retirees, which is significantly higher than the national average, Kelowna could be described as the heaven of retirement living – the nature and urban vibes are perfectly balanced in this area (especially during the tourist season).

If you’re willing to live a bit outside of the city, enjoy driving, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and picnics by the lake, Kelowna would be a good option for you.

  • Victoria, BC

  • Cost of Living: $1,186 per month (without rent)

  • Population: 401, 700

  • Weather: Average Max Temp – July: 20°C, January: 7°C

  • Lifestyle: Welcomingly, expensive

  • Doctor Per 100, 000 People: 176

Victoria, BC one of the greatest places to retire in Canada because of its high doctor-to-population ratio and low property tax.

The weather in Victoria is dry and mild compared to Vancouver and has less snowfall. It’s also Canada’s most romantic city, so if you are looking to find a new love interest after relocation, Victoria is perfect for dating. It is especially romantic for those who enjoy flowers (and aren’t allergic to pollen). There is a reason Victoria is called Canada’s city of gardens.

In a nutshell, Victoria is a great fit for those who enjoy living in a densely populated urban environment and can afford a bougie lifestyle.

  • Halifax, NS

  • Cost of Living: $1,202 per month (without rent)

  • Population: 440, 332

  • Weather: Average Max Temp – July: 23°C, January: 0°C

  • Lifestyle: Big-city life

  • Doctors Per 100, 000 People: 145

Halifax is Nova Scotia’s largest city, with a population that accounts for more than half of the province’s total. Also, if you move to Halifax, you’ll have access to the best medical and healthcare facilities.

Halifax is a city that has beachy vibes, as the sea is the primary focus of most of the region’s outdoor pursuits, and the seafood is incredibly fresh. So if you enjoy surfing and fishing, Halifax is a nice pick.

  • Calgary, AB

  • Cost of Living: $1,197 per month (without rent)

  • Population: 1, 585, 900

  • Weather: Average Max Temp – July: 21°C, January: -2°C

  • Lifestyle: Dynamic

  • Doctors Per 100, 000 People: 143

As Canada’s second-largest city, the cost of living in Calgary is surprisingly lower than in many other cities, as both the cost of living and taxes are minimal in this area.

The city is bustling so if you are used to living in a busy city or looking for work after retirement, this is the place you are looking for.

  • Kingston, ON

  • Cost of Living: $1,194 per month (without rent)

  • Population: 136, 685

  • Weather: Average Max Temp – July: 25°C, January: -3°C

  • Lifestyle: Mild-paced

  • Doctors Per 100, 000 People: 138

Kingston might be a good fit for you if you don’t mind living in a city where the majority of residents are under the age of 25, consisting mainly of students from Queen’s University. There are many stories that can be told about the city’s past because of its strategic location and extensive history.

The laid-back atmosphere and leisurely pace of life in Kingston are ideal for retirees. Transportation in the immediate area is also fast, convenient, and cost-effective. However, Kingston’s greatest asset may be its world-class medical care – Kingston General Hospital is one of Southern Ontario’s largest healthcare facilities.






Judy is a 78-year-old lady and she has been smoking for more than half a century. Recently, she has noticed that her son has quit smoking so she asked how he felt without tobacco.

Expecting a negative answer, her son told her that he felt much different than before, in a good way.

“it was hard in the first month, but if you get used to life without cigarettes,” he said. “Your body feels so much better, and my singing has improved, too!”

Judy clearly knew that good things would happen if she quit smoking cold turkey, but it’d be a little annoying since she just couldn’t imagine what she would do if she were not smoking. Also, she wondered if she was too old to do so. Since she was already 78, it seemed a bit unnecessary to quit at her age.

Is It Too Late to Quit Smoking?

We always hear people saying things like:

“I have smoked for many years. It’s hard to quit.”

“The damage has already been done anyway.”

“I’m already old, why shouldn’t I enjoy cigarettes for the last few years in my life?”

However, the truth is, you can still quit in old age, and things would still be different. There are some immediate results after quitting smoking:

Short Term Effect

  • 20 Minutes After Quitting: Your blood pressure and pulse rate drop.

  • 8 Hours After Quitting: Carbon monoxide levels decrease and the oxygen level in your blood returns to normal.

  • 1 Day After Quitting: The chances of having a heart attack decreases.

  • 2 Days After Quitting: Your sense of smell and taste begin to improve.

  • 2 Weeks To 3 Months After Quitting: Your circulation and lung function improves.

  • 6 Months To 1 Year After Quitting: Symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, and fatigue is reduced. Your immune system improves, and your lungs start to regain normal function.

On the other hand, the benefits of quitting smoking are more prominent in the long run.

Long Term Effects

  • 1 To 2 Years After Quitting: Chances of heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and breathing problems decrease.

  • 5 To 10 Years After Quitting: Your risk of developing cancers of the mouth and throat would be cut in half.

  • 10 Years After Quitting: Your risk of lung cancer is cut in half compared to a person who is still smoking. The risk of cancer in the bladder, esophagus, and kidney will also decrease drastically.

  • 15 Years After Quitting: Your risk of developing coronary heart disease is similar to that of a non-smoker. Also, your longevity is extended by 10 years.

How to Quit Smoking as a Senior

Easier said than done; quitting smoking can sometimes be a long and tough battle for most people, especially for individuals who have been smoking for decades. However, you can split it into three stages so that you can make your journey easier and wiser.

  • Step One: Prepare to Quit

First off, list all the reasons that make you want to quit, and the possible elements that trigger it. Be specific and look at them frequently. Then, envision your life without cigarettes. Imagine yourself as a non-smoker, and see how you deal with various social situations that may trigger you to start smoking again.

You can also tell your family and friends about your decision and let them motivate you through the process. It is also helpful to tell your doctor and plan it together.

Then, set a date, and get started!

  • Step Two: The Quitting Process

On the quitting day, throw out all of your cigarette and ashtrays, and anything else that can remind you of smoking. The point is that quitting all at once is always better than slowly cutting back. Then, after you realize the circumstances that made you want to smoke, fill them up with other things. For example, if you smoke when you don’t feel like sleeping, try playing a video game to keep your hands busy. Make a list of things you can do as alternatives to smoking, and whenever you are craving a cigarette, do these things one by one to take up your time.

Finding a support buddy is also helpful; it’s good to have someone that was successful at quitting smoking. They will know how to help you out when you are going through similar situations that they have been through. You can also set aside the money you would spend on tobacco, watch it grow in a jar, and reward yourself with this money after a while.

  • Step 3: Preventing Relapse

Relapse may happen, even for the people who have quit smoking for years. The most important thing to know about relapsing is that you learn each time so you can handle it better the next time. When you realize you are about to smoke again, there are 4Ds to prevent it:

  • Delay: No matter whether you are quitting smoking or stopping binge-eating, remember that the urge only lasts for a short while. Delay what you want to do for 10 minutes. In most cases, your craving will go away after a few minutes on its own.

  • Deep Breaths: Take a deep breath before the “evil” possesses you. It will make you relaxed and clear-minded so you can make a better choice on what to do next.

  • Drink Water: Drinking water also helps you to relax and calm down and help you to focus on things that are healthier.

  • Do Something Else: As we mentioned, distracting yourself from smoking is necessary. List what you can do instead of smoking: sometimes even washing your hands and face can help, too.

Some Withdrawal Symptoms You Should be Aware Of & What To Do About Them

  • Craving & Urges

It’s normal to have urges, and sometimes they can be strong and overwhelming. One important way to deal with your urges is to identify them, which means knowing that you are in a state of craving, and it doesn’t mean you “need” it immediately. Try the 4Ds prevention methodology to see how it works!

  • Getting Easily Irritated

Quitting a habit may feel like taking a part of your routine away, so it is very common to feel irritated and grouchy sometimes. Again, notice it, identify it, and let it go.

  • Feeling Restless

Feeling agitated and having a hard time concentrating is the same as feeling irritated. It is because your body is not used to getting not recieving the nicotine it used to. The best way to deal with restlessness is to do some physical activities, and cut back on caffeine, too.

  • Gaining Weight

Some people may experience a rise in appetite when they quit smoking. This is because of the stress of quitting a habit, and your taste has heightened after quitting, too. If you really want snacks, snack smart. Avoid those high-calorie foods and getting more exercise will help you to balance the urges as well.

  • Feeling Anxious and Depressed

People who smoke are more likely to have mood swings than people who don’t, and it happens mostly after quitting smoking. Nicotine does help to ease your anxiety for a short amount of time, but the withdrawal effect makes it worse. Remind yourself of why you are quitting, and learn how to deal with emotions in a new and healthier way. It will all pass in the end.






Nothing feels better than retiring, and Jay has been working decades just for this moment to come for their “senior vacation”.

The first thing he plans to do is to take his wife traveling – which is one of the most popular pursuits for people who have just entered a new phase in life. Jay wants to find a place that’s convenient, budget-friendly, yet still a perfect getaway from his hectic lifestyle, while his wife prefers something luxurious and dreamy so they can make this memory last a lifetime.

Finding a perfect destination for them seems daunting, and we know it may be happening to you and your partner in this busy season as well. However, we have collected a few senior-friendly cities that deserve a place on your post-pandemic bucket list. Without further ado, let’s see where there’s no regret in visiting!

Senior Vacation – Enjoy Natural Scenery:

Sedona, USA

Located just two hours from Phoenix, Arizona, the breathtaking red rock scenery makes Sedona the perfect destination for a day trip. If you enjoy hiking, make your way to the Devil’s Bridge on a sunny day;you’d be amazed by the magnificent view from the top. Be careful of your shoes: the “red” is caused by oxidation of the thin layer of rocks, so make sure to avoid wearing light-coloured shoes or they will get stained by the mineral.   

Tuscant, Italy

There are a thousand reasons to visit Tuscany – Art, History, Food, Wine … and certainly, the view. There are a few “must-dos” in the beautiful Tuscany: go for a hike on mountain La Verna, do truffle tasting in San Miniato, explore the ancient hill town on the Valdichiana Plain, and of course, don’t forget to visit a few wineries! One thing to remember before heading to Tuscany is to rent a car. Beautiful and well-preserved areas are mostly less connected by trains and subway, so renting a car is how you explore the place more efficiently.

 Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, also known as the “Lost City”, is considered to have the most heritage sites in the world, and is also the most visited tourist destination in Peru. October through April is the rainy season, so it’s better to visit Mach Picchu in the summer. It is an especially perfect destination if you like hiking, given that there are many mountains and valleys around there. But if you do not feel like doing a lot of walking, driving in Machu Picchu or taking buses are just fine to capture the beauty of the city.

 Zermatt, Switzerland

Who can resist Switzerland? When it comes to the famous spots in Switzerland, Zermatt is definitely the one worth visiting. Don’t worry if you can’t go skiing, the train through the Alps is one of the most beautiful routes in the world. There are also numerous bars, cafes, and coffee shops on the mountain, so you can just sit back and enjoy the stunning view of the Matterhorn.

Senior Vacation – Beach Lover:

Tulum, Mexico

For those who are looking for a tranquil and laid-back destination, Tulum should be included on their bucket list. Unlike Cancun, Tulum doesn’t give much “party vibes”. Instead, you can find high-end bars that allow you to enjoy the breeze and music on the beach.

Key West, USA

If you are like many snowbirds from the north, you will like Florida in the wintertime. Nature reserves and renowned walking tours make Key West an excellent beach city for anyone who wants more than just palm trees, and it has more peaceful surroundings than Miami. As a senior, you can do many low-impact activities like snorkeling and swimming with dolphins in Key West, or visit Earnest Heminway’s house for more history.

Ocho Rios, Saint Ann, Jamaica

You can relax and experience Jamaican culture in this city that resides on the northeastern coast of the island. After lying on the beach for days, you can choose to take a hike in the forest, swim with dolphins, or just walk in the city and you’ll explore a lot of interesting things.

Ocho Rios is a cruise ship destination, so it makes it a popular place to stop for long vacations.

Patong, Thailand

Thailand is generally an affordable place to visit, and Patong beach in Phuket is a far cheaper option than other tropical destinations. Patong is especially suitable for senior couples to stay: imagine walking on the beach and sharing beers. It could be a wonderful memory for you two to reminisce.

Senior Vacation – City Views:

New York City, USA

“In New York…

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of!

There’s nothin’ you can’t do…” 

This is what the Big Apple (New York City) looks like in Jay-Z’s song (Empire State of Mind). New York City’s skyline may be the most recognizable and glamorous one in the world. There are two popular spots to view the NYC skyline:

  • Top of the Rock Observation Deck: Located in Rockefeller Plaza, Top of the Rock could be one of the most popular attractions in NYC. From there, you can get an unobstructed view of the Empire State Building, Manhattan’s midtown, and Central Park.

  • Empire State Building: Your NYC trip won’t be complete without seeing Empire State Building. There are two options to see the city from the Empire State Building: one is from the 86th floor, and the other one is from the 102nd floor. The view is not so much different between the two, but you can look through ceiling-to-floor windows instead of fences on the 102nd floor.

 Toronto, Canada

On the northern shore of Lake Ontario near the US border lies the most culturally diverse city in Canada – Toronto. In the downtown area, you can capture the city’s iconic CN tower nearly everywhere you go, which makes an identifiable view of Toronto’s skyline. There are a few places to appreciate the beauty of the city: Riverdale Park, Trillium Park, Polson Pier, etc. If you love having some cocktails while experiencing the spectacular views with your partner, try the One Eighty, which is located on the 51st floor of the Manulife center. Just as the name suggests, it lets you enjoy 180-degree views of the megacity.

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong is best known as a shopper’s paradise. You can experience western life and Chinese customs all together at once. Here, you can enjoy abundant local dishes, or go shopping in duty-free shops, and more importantly: reach the summit of Victoria Peak to enjoy breathtaking harbor views and the majestic skyline.

Kuala Lumper, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur is another business center in southeastern Asia. As the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur boasts a blend of Chinese, Indian and English cultures. You can visit all the highlights of the city in just three to five days. The cost in Kuala Lumpur can be more expensive than in some cities in Thailand, but it is still possible to make it budget friendly if you go window shopping. The must-sees in Kuala Lumpur include the Petronas Twin Towers, Merdeka Square, Batu Cave, etc. KLCC Park is also a great spot to view the city’s skyline, which makes zero regret to visit.





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Pets offer us many benefits as we age – companionship, exercise, and the delight that comes from taking care of another living thing. Though there isn’t extensive research on the direct correlation between pets and human health, it is undoubted that the little creatures can promote senior people’s wellbeing and quality of life.

Having a pet can surely lower your level of anxiety, and lessen depression and feelings of isolation (Senior Isolation). Choosing a pet that matches your energy level and lifestyle becomes very important in this case.

In today’s topic, we are going to introduce you to a variety of pets – from pets that require a moderate level of energy to keep up with, to mellows pets that suit your laid-back lifestyle. Let’s get started!

Best Pets for Seniors


Dogs make excellent lifelong friends for people of all ages, and they’re especially great for those in later years. Most of the best dog breeds for the elderly are those that are low-maintenance, small in size, and require less activity. Here are a few dog breeds recommended for seniors to have:

1. Bichon Frise

As a playful yet affectionate dog, the Bichon Frise has earned its reputation as an excellent all-purpose companion. They are, in genera,l very low maintenance, however they do need to go to the groomer on a regular basis so their fur doesn’t tangle.

Bichons are also known for their gentleness and cuddliness, making them ideal for elderly persons living in apartments and retirement communities.

2. Pug

Who can resist the gaze from a pair of big, innocent, and emotionally expressive eyes? Pugs are one of the most sweet-natured and kindest dogs among all breeds. They are small, loving, and match the energy level of most seniors. 

Pugs learn tricks fast and love food, so you never need to worry about wasting too much time training them.

Pugs are also suitable for living in a long-term care home, since they don’t bark a lot, and spend at least half of their day sleeping.

3. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are another popular dog breed for seniors. They require less attention, don’t shed much, and don’t need to be constantly groomed.

Given their compact size, they are easy to be carried around, and they make great companions for both seniors and children. So, if your grandchildren constantly visit your place, a miniature schnauzer would be their new best friend.

4. French Bulldog

French bulldogs are the most cheerful dogs among all breeds. They are small, muscular, and active. However, they are easy to handle given their intelligent and understanding nature. They are especially great for seniors who like to dress up their dogs.

As a result, French Bulldogs are excellent companions for elderly people with limited mobility or anyone who simply prefers a slower pace of life.

  • Cats

If you want a friend who doesn’t need to be walked every day, cats arw a wonderful choice. Cats are more predictable and are generally more happy staying indoors. Also, cats don’t make a lot of noise and require less medication than dogs, meaning they are suitable for anyone who just wants a companion and is not willing to spend much time taking care of their pets.

Different breeds have different personalities; some are independent, while some prefer to stick close to their human. Some need a lot of grooming, while some are relatively low maintenance. Here are three cat breeds that are very welcomed by seniors:

1. Ragdoll Cat

Because of its laid-back characteristics, Ragdolls are an excellent choice for seniors.

Ragdolls are well-known for their friendliness, making them a good option for elderly people who are looking for a pet to get along with their family and caregivers easily.

Note that Ragdolls are larger than common cats, and as a result, may need additional living space and a big litter box. If you have a small and crowded living space, a Ragdoll may not be the best choice.

2. Russian Blue

A good temper, intelligence, and loyalty have made the Russian Blue a popular breed among cat owners. They are suitable for people who prefer low activity since the most they want from a human is companionship. Even though Russian Blues are shy around people, once they build strong ties with their owner, they become very sensitive to the owner’s emotions and feelings.

3. British Shorthair

As one of the oldest recognized cat breeds, British Shorthair cats are very commonly presented as domestic cats in many families. They are very relaxed and independent, and not so active, making them good for seniors and beginners.

British shorthairs are very kind, loyal, and loving. They are independent by nature so don’t worry about sticking with them all the time. The only health problem of British Shorthairs is that they are prone to obesity, so feeding them right and watching their weight becomes very important.

  • Fish

Most pet fish are extremely low maintenance and don’t require much investment. All you need is a small freshwater aquarium, a filter, an air pump, lighting, and some fish food to have them. Freshwater fish are less expensive and easy to care for than other types of pet fish. Watching your fish can calm you down and improve your mood, meaning it is especially beneficial for people with high blood pressure and heart diseases to keep pet fish. Here are some aquarium fish for beginners to have:

1. Goldfish

Goldfish are very good beginner pet fish to keep since they are very resilient and easy to care for. They eat vegetables, algae, and other foods high in carbohydrates and low in protein. Note that goldfish tend to grow very large so it’s better to purchase a larger tank that has extra space for them to live.

2. Betta Fish

Beta Fish are pretty, small, and very beginner-friendly. Betta fish have very vivid coloration and beautiful fins. Although they don’t require complicated caring procedures, Betta Fish should be kept in high-quality water, so make sure to use a good filter and water conditioner before you put your little fish in there.

  • Rabbits

If you want a quiet, fluffy little animal to be your companion, get a rabbit! Just like dogs and cats, rabbits can be used for animal therapy, too. Taking care of a pet rabbit can help lower high blood pressure and potentially delay some dementia symptoms. Also, believe it or not, rabbits can bond with humans and can be litter trained. So, if you just moved into a downsized home, but still want to have an animal to build connections with, a rabbit would be a perfect choice. Holland Lops, Rex, and Mini Lops are all small-sized, calm-tempered, and easily cared for rabbits to have as pets.








It takes time to adjust to living in a smaller place, such as an Assisted Living apartment. Especially when all of your beloved furnishings is crammed into a single cot. Helen is facing the same situation, too. After she finished placing all her stuff in her new apartment, her friend came to visit.

“You shouldn’t have your bed facing the washroom because it will disrupt the flow of energy”, Helen’s friend said.

“What energy? What direction do you think it should be facing?” asked Helen.

“You should do some research on Fengshui. It’ll help you a lot” replied Helen’s friend.

Even though many of us have heard of Fengshui, few of us have a firm grasp of its meaning. In today’s article, we are going to discuss the principle and some basic rules of Fengshui, and hopfully it will guide you during your transition.

What Is Fengshui & Why Is It Important?

Fengshui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. Ancient Chinese wisdom states that selecting or configuring an object or location can harmonize with the spiritual energies that surround. Since our physical environments can play a major role in our feelings and comfort, this is what perpose Fengshui serves – a supportive Fengshui layout encourages the optimal and even flow of energy throughout the space. It is especially vital for seniors or others who spend a great deal of time at home or in long-term care homes. 

There are five elements in Fengshui: Wood, Earth, Water, Fire, and Metal. Each element is associated with certain qualities in your home. A full analysis requires calculations based on where you are living, the design of a single room, placement and materials of the furniture, etc. This can be very complicated. However, there are general guidelines that we can follow to enhance how you feel in your living space, even if it’s just a room in a long-term care home.

Simple Fengshui Tips for Seniors:

  • Clear the Entryway

In Fengshui, your front door serves as a portal of energy, and your entryway represents the way that the energy enters your home and your body. As a result, it is crucial to keep the main entrance area clean and welcoming, so that more energy can enter and nourish you and your home. So, get rid of garbage, bulky furniture or anything that can obstruct the energy flow as much as possible.

  • Declutter

It’s understandable that older people’s homes are typically cluttered because it might be tough to let go of a lifetime’s worth of memories. The problem with clutter is that it may make homes feel overwhelming, cause tripping hazard, and obstruct positive energy.

Maintaining a clutter-free environment can reduce the risk of tripping and other health complications related to bacteria as well. So, make a list of the things you use most frequently, and for the rest, you can consider discarding or donating them (if you only have used them once or twice and don’t see yourself using them anytime in the near future).

  • Make Use of Mirrors

Placing a mirror in a dark corner can brighten the space and bring energy in. The mirror can face your favorite things or reflect the scenery outside your window. However, never place mirrors in front of a door, as this will deflect the incoming energy.

  • Incorporate Plants

Plants embody life energy, as they’ll add freshness and vitality to your home. Too much darkness and not enough fresh air might have an adverse effect on elderly people’s living spaces. So, simply add some plants to infuse your home with life and good vibes, and check out our blog post on “Simple Gardening for Seniors” to find out some easy gardening tips.

  • Limit Phones, Televisions, and Other Electronic Devices

Fengshui practitioners believe that electromagnetic imbalances caused by electronic devices can interfere with sleep. Research from sleep experts also supports this suggestion, and the experts advise keeping bedrooms as screen-free as possible.

Of course, televisions and phones may be an important source of entertainment for someone who’s physically disabled or bedbound. Consider a compromise: put a shade on the TV so it can easily be moved out of sight and turn off your phone before bed so it won’t interrupt your sleep.  








Summer is here, and it is all about getting active! Just like many other Canadians, Jim treasures every single bit of the sunshine and breeze.

It is a sunny and hot afternoon. After a few hours of walking in Stanley Park, Jim starts to feel very tired, so he finds a bench and plans to rest for a while. But after he sits down, he becomes a little dizzy, and his vision starts to blur. Jim’s scared since he came alone, and his bottled water has already been discarded along the way. Just when Jim thinks he might pass out, a group of bikers pass by, and they notice that Jim is not feeling well. They give Jim water and place a wet towel on his forehead.

It’s heat stroke.

Jim thanks the bikers and starts to consider if he’s really suitable for outdoor activities due to his age. It was quite a dangerous situation. Heat stroke is very common when people perform outdoor activities under high temperatures; children and seniors are especially prone to it. However, don’t fear summer just because of it – There are still many safe activities for seniors to experience. Today, we are going to provide some tips for you and your loved one to spend a fun, memorable summer togethrt.

Tips for Seniors to Have a Safe Summer

1. Be Aware of Heat Stress 

Heat stress, also as known as heat exhaustion, is a condition in which symptoms include excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes fainting. It occurs when the body becomes dehydrated and unable to cool down. So, the most important thing to do to prevent heat stress is to stay hydrated and always find shade when under the bright sun. When sitting in a car, it is important to make sure the window is open to allow sufficient airflow to come in and out. When you and your loved one are attending any large events, make sure to take a step away from the crowd once every 10-20min.

2. Avoid Sunburn

We love sunshine! In addition to the good mood it can bring, sunshine is also the best natural source of Vitamin D. However, overexposure to the sun could not only cause heat stress, as we just mentioned, but it also results in damage to our skin. When we age, our skin loses fat and water, which causes it to become thinner and more vulnerable. The symptoms of sunburn include itchiness, sensitivity, and irritation, which can possibly affect our whole body. In that, avoid going outside from 11 am to 2 pm, which is the period when the sun rays are most intensive. Don’t forget to bring a hat, and apply sunscreen when going outside. Note the sunscreen should be applied 20 min before going outdoors and reapplied every 2 hours.

Here’s a list of the best sunscreens that are gentle to the skin but strong in preventing sunburn. You can get them online or at any local drugstores:

  • Neutrogena Ultra Dry-Touch Sunscreen SPF 55:

  • La Roche Posay Anthelios Sunscreen:

  • EltaMD UV Lotion Broad-Spectrum SPF30+:

  • Coppertone Water Babies SPF50:

3. Keep Summer Bugs Away

We are not the only ones that enjoy the weather. There are plenty of species “booming” in the summer, too. Mosquitos, wasps, ticks, ants, yellow jackets … these little living creatures are not so friendly to humans. Not only can they ruin our mood, but some can also bring deceases to us. So stay away from stagnant water (which is paradise for summer bugs), and bring repelling herbs such as citronella, lavender, and lemongrass to dispel insects. There are citronella bracelets that you can bring with you when visiting parks and the seaside. It is also important to wear long sleeves and pants when going outside. When you are having a  barbeque or picnic, remember to keep the garbage bin sealed and clean up right away after eating.

Safe and Fun Summer Activities for Seniors

  • Go For a Walk in a Park

Doing some low-impact activities such as walking can strengthen bones and decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Pick a nice park around your place and go for a walk. The scenery can help you reduce anxiety, boost your mood, and improve sleep quality.

  • Have a Picnic

Just grab some snacks, a cute blanket, and maybe a speaker and go to your favorite park. What’s more enjoyable than of lying down on the grass and watching the clouds with your friends.  Don’t forget to wear sunglasses and have your food covered when you are not consuming it!

  • Do Some Gardening

Even if you don’t have a green thumb, it doesn’t deprive your of the joy of creating beautiful scenery in your backyard or balcony. It is a very efficient way to exercise and elevate your mood. By planting beautiful flowers and vegetables, your self-esteem will improve, and your immune system will be boosted. It is extremely important in the aging process, especially for seniors who are experiencing the early stages of dementia. So get your hand dirty and have some fun “green time”!

  •  Go to a Farmer’s Market

Summer is always the best season to visit farmer’s markets. The seasonal fruits and veggies they provide are usually organic. Browsing foods can also stimulate your appetite for the hot summer.

  • Watch an Outdoor Movie

There are so many reasons why we love outdoor movies so much: they are cheap, they play classic movies, and you get to chat with your friends freely. Whether you sit in a car or sit on the grass, what outdoor movies can bring you is always more than just movies. Just remember to bring a blanket since outdoor movies always play after sunset, and it gets cold in the evening.

  • Go Fruit Picking

Another option to access fresh fruits and have fun is going fruit picking. Just make sure to wear comfortable shoes so that you don’t fall. Here’s a general timeline for summer fruit picking. The exact time may differ according to your location:

  • Strawberries: May – June

  • Cherries: June – July

  • Blueberries and Blackberries: June – August

  • Peaches: July – September

  • Apples: August

  • Go Fishing

Fishing is also a good way to enjoy the outdoors. It isn’t just sitting and staring at the water; it requires body strength when the time comes for a catch. It is also a good way to socialize with others. Just think about it: fishing with friends by a tranquil lake on a beautiful day, isn’t it relaxing enough?

In the End:

There are a lot more outdoor summer activities that are suitable for seniors than what we provided, but always remember to stay cool and hydrated while performing any activity. If you are not so sure about a certain activity, check in with your doctor and find out if you can handle them. Safety is always the first priority!







Chad’s mother died in a car crash 10 years ago. While destiny took her life away, it also took away Chad’s father’s love – he hasn’t  been able to fall in love with anyone else after losing his soulmate. As time goes by, Chad thinks it’s time for his father to find good company to spend his later life with. So, he encourages his father to attend dating events and use online dating sites.

The good news is that Chad’s father started to become more open to dating new people. However, he’s still very confused and cautious about talking to people online.

“Are dating sites legit?”

“What dating sites should I use?”

“How does online dating work?”

“What should I do and what should I avoid doing while dating online?”

If you or your loved one isn’t so familiar with Tinder, he or she must have a lot of questions about online dating. There are actually many senior-friendly dating sites on the internet. So today, we will give you a 101 guide on senior online dating.

Let’s get started.

Why Senior Dating?

Fun fact: 40% of men and women over 50 in the U.S. are single. Although finding love could be a long ways away, there are many benefits of dating and socializing that can serve a purpose on your journey. Having strong social relationships can greatly help seniors to reduce stress and help with heart health. It is also a very efficient way to defeat senior isolation  and increase longevity.

Dating when you are younger is fun, as you have more energy and expectations of future life. But dating when you are older means you have more freedom to choose someone that has a deep connection with you, as you don’t have the pressure of “racing against time” to settle down. If you think you don’t have many chances to meet new people in real life, online dating will open the door for you.

Although some people are be skeptical of online dating, the fact that online dating sites can serve abundant opportunities to meet new people is something to be discussed.

How Does Online Senior Dating Sites Work?

Outline Your Requirement

The steps of each dating site might differ, but the general process is similar to each other. You might be asked to fill out a questionnaire or take a personal test to narrow down your selection. The questions may include age, gender, distance, interest, education level, religious beliefs, etc.

Complete Your Profile

The next step is tobuild your own profile so you can be found easier. You can put your hobbies, occupation (past or present), and what you expect in a relationship in the description box. This will help find the people that are like-minded or looking for the same thing.

Get Ready To Match

Once your profile is completed and photos are uploaded, you are good to connect with potential matches! You may be stunned by how many people are out there and how popular you are to them. But before you dive into the ocean of possibilities, there are a few tips you should know.

Online Dating Tips for Seniors

  • Find Q Reliable Dating Site

The very first step of safe dating is to choose a reliable and reputable site. There are many dating sites out there, but not all of them are legit – actually, most sites are not well-regulated. But there are sites that are even worse, potentially hiring people to “catfish” (creating a fake accout with a false identity to trick you) and gain your trust, then ask you to make some sort of investment with the person you think is the one. This is one of the more common forms of elderly financial abuse, and you can totally avoid that by filtering it out in the first place. The best way is to do a lot of research online or ask your friends to recommend safe dating sites for you. If it seems like too much work for you, don’t worry, we have a list of top-rated dating sites at the end of this article.

  • Don’t Give Extra Personal Information

Staying cautious and safe through online dating is vital. NEVER give too much of your personal information to people that you haven’t met and/or built trust with yet. Your personal information includes your address, your financial information, information about your family members, etc. Being cautious and protecting youself isn’t something to be ashamed of; a good potential mate should understand.

  • Write A Detailed Profile

What do you do when you are seeking your dream job? Yes, you write a great resume. It works for online dating, too. Be sure to upload your best selfies and photos that can represent yourself well. Also fill out your interests, favorite movies/books, and of course, the activities you love to do. Your potential date will find you through your shared interests, and this is how the two of you will ignite a spark.

  • Be Open-Minded

Sticking to your own rules is good, but limiting your options can prevent you from meeting someone that could be a good match. Selectively discard the rules like, “If he or she doesn’t talk to me right away, her or she is not the one” or “If he or she doesn’t listen to jazz, then he or she will never be the right person for me.” Loosen up your standards a bit (but not completely), and have an open remind. Remember, opposites attraact! You may find people that you resonate with unexpectedly.

  • Meet In Public And Tell Your Family And Friends When Going On A Date

Be safe! Always make your first date happens in a public setting. Restaurants, museums, parks, and galleries are all good places to meet for a first date. So, if you find the person is not safe or makes you uncomfortable, you can always seek help from others, or make a smooth escape.

It is also important to inform your family or friends before you are going on a date. You can share your location with them and tell them exactly when the date starts and ends.

Top-Rated Senior Dating Sites

Silver Singles

Silver Singles has an extensive questionnaire (about 100 questions) to help you to narrow down your options. It is designed for people over 50 and has fraud detection to help you screen out potential scams. It also has a video chat feature so that you can get to know each other before meeting in person.

Price (in US dollars)

  •   3 months: $49.95/mo

  •   6 months: $37.95/mo

  • 12 months: $27.95/mo


If you are looking for a well-established dating site, OurTime should be one on your list. It provides matching opportunities for local folks who are over 50 and organizes events in multiple cities for people to meet each other. The site is easy to use and it offers a free version for people who just like to browse.

Price (in US dollar):

  •     Basic: Free

  •     Standard: 6 months, $3.75/week

  •     Monthly: $7.49/week


eHarmony is the largest dating community online for all ages. The site is easy to use and can provide different levels of matches according to the user’s needs. The site is designed for heterosexual individuals so if you are LGBTQ+ it might not be the best for you.

Price (in US dollars)

  •     Premium light: 6 months, $65.90/mo

  •     Premium plus: 12 months, $45.90/mo

  •     Premium extra: 24 months, $35.90/mo


No matter what site are you using, just make sure to stay safe and trust your guts – if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. At the same time, don’t forget to enjoy and have fun on your journey to meeting new people – who knows if the next person you meet is going to be your soulmate!






Jamie’s mother, Sylvie, has become more and more emotional, which is concerning to him because she wasn’t like that before. Today, Sylvie stormed into his room and yelled at him because the temperature in the living room was too cold. She told him that he did it on purpose to make her to move out. Speechless, Jamie wondered what has changed and how to deal with it.

It’s the middle of July. The hot weather swept across Atlanta, making people desperate for some cool air and an icy Coca-Cola. However, Mrs. Oliver wasn’t one of them. She rushed into her daughter, Ashley’s room, staring at her.

“I know your trick,” yelled Mrs.Oliver.

“You make the room so hot so that I am uncomfortable, and I will have to leave. You just want my money.”

“A wicked woman,” he added.

Ashley was both hurt and confused She had no idea what caused her mom to act out like this all of a sudden.

It is not uncommon that people become more hostile and irritable as they age. Seeing them lose their temper makes you suffer, too. Before we move on to talk about how to deal with your angry loved one, we always need to find out the root cause.

 What Cause Your Loved One to Act Out?


In many cases, Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia can cause a person’s personality to change. Anxiety and depression over one’s deteriorating cognitive function may also lead to emotional outbursts. Furthermore, because of their desire for independence, it’s not hard to understand seniors with dementia can sometimes be hostile to others.

Medical Issues

Other than Dementia, some other underlying medical issues such as Urine Tract Infections (UTIs) and sleep disorders are also a direct cause of aggressive behaviours in seniors.

Medication Side Effects

Senior can fill up to 14-18 prescription drugs a year, on average. Certain drugs, including asthma inhalers and antidepressants, can cause agitation, impulsivity, and restlessness in seniors. Also, some prescription drugs may cause mood swings and agitation if they interact with each other.

Vision and Hearing Changes

Loss in senses can surely decrease a person’s quality of life. In our previous blog post, “How to Take Care of Your Loved One With Hearing Loss, we have explained how hearing loss can have an impact on one person’s behaviour and way of communication.

Psychological Concerns

Some mental issues such as depression and anxiety can also alter one’s behaviour and personality. This could be due to the loss of a spouse or changes in living environments. Some seniors may not be open to sharing their feelings, but instead, they choose to express it through behaviour.

4 Things to Do When Your Loved One In In Distress

Evaluate the Underlying Cause

After investigating the potential cause of your loved one’s behaviour, you probably already have a general idea of how to help. Is it because of a cognitive condition that continues to worsen? Or is your loved one’s physical health deteriorating? Make sure to confirmt the reason before finding strategies on how to deal the issue.

Ask, Not React

We have talked about this in our blog post, “How to Communicate with Seniors. Ask, instead of assume – it’s the first step in knowing your loved one and starting a healthy and helpful conversation. Remember to have a calm and gentle tone, and don’t use passive aggressiveness in your questions.

Be Gentle and Respectful

Being respectful is always the key in interactions. Be soft in your attitude and be careful of your words; make sure to let your loved one feel that he or she is being heard and loved. It works well for the seniors who have separation anxiety.

Allow Yourself to Take a Break

Dealing with a capricious individual can be quite exhausting. It’s important to let yourself have some time to relax and move away from the routine. it is also important to let other family members get involved in the caring process, or if there’s no one around, you can consider hiring a caregiver to help you.






It’s just an ordinary morning. Jane wakes up and goes to the kitchen to get some water.

“Mom,” her daughter says, “umm, you kind of smell like old people.”

“Maybe it’s just because I haven’t brushed my teeth yet,” replied Jane.

Jane tried her best to be a good sport about it, but her daughter’s comment stayed with her for the rest of the day.

“What do old people smell like? And why do I smell like that – I’m only 55,” she thought. Obviously, this is something Jane wants to deal with right away.

“Old people smell”, as Jane’s daughter pur it, is actually very prevalent, and there’s a Japanese word that specifically describes it: Kareishu. The word has a negative meaning to it, mainly referring to a sweaty or unbathed smell. Not showering regularly may result in the smell, as it can with anyone of any age, however it is not the most prominent cause of changes in oder as we age.

Other Causes Of “Old People Smell”

  • Chemical Changes With Aging

You know the fresh and warm scent of a newborn baby? That goes away as we get older due to a chemical breakdown. The most popular hypothesis is changes in the chemical 2-nonenal. 2-nonenal may be responsible for causing older adults to have changes in odor.  When a person enters their 40s, 2-nonenal will present in the body and keep increasing as aging progresses.

As we become older, our skin produces more lipid acid, which is a type of fatty acid, and antioxidant protection in our skin decreases with age as well. In that, 2-nonenal is formed when fatty acid is oxidised, and is therefore what gives off that infamous “old people smell”.

However, scientists still haven’t confirmed how much of a role 2-nonenal plays in odor changes, as it might be a result from the interaction of the compound with skin secretions and bacteria.

  • Diseases

Some chronic diseases are also the source of changes in oder as we age. Diseases such as diabetes or uremia have a negative impact on skin function and can cause skin disorders. Also, skin problems like acne and eczema might exacerbate the issue. For example, diabetic dermopathy is caused by changes in small blood vessels, which could cause changes in skin maintainance.

Odor changes while aging is perfectly normal, but of course, we still want to smell fresh. There are several ways to manage changes in order as we age.

How To Manage Changes In Odor As We age

  • Engaging in a Heathy Lifestyle: Regular Exercise and Clean Eating

The best and most effective way is to change your lifestyle and quit bad habits. Make sure you are regularly exercising and eating clean. Eating clean means not eating too much fat, sugar, and sodium, given that these things would also alter our skin condition. Also, having enough rest and doing exercise can reduce our stress, which is huge ineliminating our unpleasant scents.

  • Quit Alcohol and Tobacco

Usually, when you walk past someone who drinks or smokes a lot, you will find that the smell of alcohol or tobacco has lingered on their body. This is because alcohol and tobacco leaves leaves residue on the skin whenever the person touches or consumes it. In addition, consuming alcohol or tobacco accelerates oxidation, which further increases “kareishu” in your body.

  • Drink Plenty of Water and Dilute Fatty Acids

Interestingly, dehydration can cause body odor. Drinking a lot of water can also dilute fatty acids in our body, along with increasingsaliva, which can help get rid of bacteria that causes unpleased odors

  • Green Tea May Help, Too

Green tea, which is rich in antioxidants, can help prevent bad breath, body odor, and stinky feet by neutralising free radicals.

Green tea helps the body rid itself of damaging pollutants by assisting in the secretion of glutathione, an antioxidant, so your body will smell much fresher.

  • Use Body Scrub – Fine Salt

Fatty acid on your skin is insoluble, so simply washing and rinsing with water isn’t so helpful to “wash out” the smell. However, using scrubs like fine salts can help remove the dirt and grease and make your skin much cleaner than just body wash alone. Also, scrubbing can offer feelings of relaxation, which in turn, helps to releave tension.

  • Air Out and Make Sure Living Areas Are Clean

Always keep your space clean! Sometime seniors’ rooms are warm and stuffy, which amplfies odors. Make sure to ventilate living spaces on a regular basis.

Also, make sure to do laundry on a regular basis. 2-nonenal transfers to your clothes and sheets from your skin. Using anti-stain and anti-grease laundry detergent helps to wash off the insoluble 2-nonenal.

At the End:

“Old People Smell” can be difficult to manage, even in those with good personal hygiene. However, don’t be scared of 2-nonenal. It is actually described as smelling like cucumber or old books – the greatest smell ever. And don’t stress about odor changes as you age; it is just a natural process.


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